Noise Exposure Map Update

The Boca Raton Airport Authority along with Ricondo and Associates has kicked off a project which will update the airport’s Noise Exposure Map. This study will analyze the most recent 12 months of aircraft operations and noise impacts to determine the levels of aviation related noise around the airport. The last time a Noise Exposure Map was completed was in 2001 with an update to our Nosie Contours having been completed in 2017.

The noise exposure map uses the FAA approved metric known as DNL (Day/Night Average Sound Level) which analyzes aircraft noise 24 hours a day over 12 months. There is also 10db added to noise from operations performed overnight to account for the way sound travels at night. Once the consultants who are working on this project have compiled all of that data, they can use noise contours to place the levels of sound on a map to show where the average DNL is relative to the airport. The metric the FAA uses is specifically the 65 DNL.

This project will include public meetings as well as the development of Noise Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) who will partake in workshops to discuss the focus of an NEM and to gain input from community representatives and members.

Pease check back periodically as updates regarding the NEM will be posted here as the project progresses.
For any questions, please contact the airport at or 561-391-2202.

2001 Noise map update
2017 Noise map update